.Live Info.

SKIN Concert @ Anime Expo!
The concert will be held at June 29, 2007. Anime Expo requires that you have both a badge for the con and a ticket in order to get in. Tickets are generally free, but if you don't wish to camp out and wait in a long ass line to get them, premium tickets are available.

The Beginning Of NEO VISUALIZM Tour 2007

July 17th CLUB LIZARD YOKOHAMA [open18:00/start18:30]
July 20th CLUB SONIC MITO [open18:00/start18:30]
July 23rd MORIOKA FACES [open18:00/start18:30]
July 24th KORIYAMA #9 [open18:00/start18:30]
Aug 1st NAGOYA RADIX [open18:00/start18:30]
Aug 4th KOREA SEOUL-AX ※Ticket details are handled separately through the Korean venue except for the contest winners for the single release
Aug 6th FUKUOKA GRAF [open18:00/start18:30]
Aug 9th OSAKA TRIANGLE [open18:00/start18:30]
Aug 11th KYOTO WORLD [open17:00/start17:30]
Aug 14th HIROSHIMA NAMIKI JUNCTION[open18:00/start18:30]
Aug 17th KANAZAWA VAN VAN V4 [open18:00/start18:30]
Aug 19th TOYAMA SOUL POWER [open17:00/start17:30]
Aug 21st NIIGATA UNDER WATER BAR PRAHA[open18:00/start18:30]
Aug 23rd SAPPORO MOLE [open18:00/start18:30]
Aug 24th AOMORI SUNSHINE [open18:00/start18:30]
Aug 26th SENDAI NEO BROTHERZ [open17:00/start17:30]
Aug 31st KICHIJOJI STAR PINE'S CAFE [open18:00/start18:30]
Sept 2nd SHINKIBA STUDIO COAST [open16:00/start17:00]

Tickets are all standing for 4,900 yen (not including drinks). General sale is on June 24, 2007. Any inquiries are to call 03-3357-8080.

There is also a supplemental performance for Fan Club Members only!
July 14th SHIBUYA VUENOS TOKYO [open16:00/start16:30]

Detailed ticket information for this particular performance will be mailed directly to fan club members.

Ticket Information
*Please note that this applies to JAPAN only because U.S. post offices have no connection with Japanese post offices. If you live outside Japan, you need a friend in Japan to do this for you.

Price: All Standing for 4900 yen / drinks not included
General Sale: Sunday, June 24th / Sept 2nd live: August 12th
Enquiries: Call Back Stage Project @ 03-3357-8080

*This time's tour has no venues with age limits.
*Note that the previously mentioned locations at Yokohama on 7/17, Fukuoka on 8/6, Osaka on 8/9, Sapporo on 8/23, Sendai on 8/26, and Kichijoji on 8/31 are no longer accepting pre-sale orders. Because of popular demand at the above 6 locations, those that wish to go can enter a raffle. Those that lose the raffle will have their money refunded 10 days before the general sale. If this is the case, please understand that you must send a 700 yen handling fee beforehand.
*Please refrain from making phone enqueries regarding the raffle results.
*If you're in the fan club, because the FC gets to purchase tickets earlier and will already have their ticket preparations, please avoid making duplicate applications for tickets.

How to Apply for a Ticket
At the post office, use the provided blue bank deposit blank form to enter the necessary information, and include the payment for the tickets through bank transfer. (Using express mail, telegraph, registered mail, and money order are not advisable).

Translator's note: Although I'm writing this for you in English to help you, when you're filling out the form, PLEASE fill it out in Japanese. Print out these instructions if you have to, but I'm going ahead and assuming that you know what your full name and address look like in Japanese.

Bank account number to send money to (口座番号): 00150-0-569616
Name of party you're sending it to ( 加入者名): 仔雅連合 (Komiyavi Alliance)
Amount of money (金額): Ticket price (4900 yen) x How many you want + 700 yen shipping
In the comments section ( 通信欄) provide:
1. Performance day & performance location (I think if you copy the all caps names for the performance locations you're fine, but the counter for months is 月 and day is 日)
2. How many tickets you want (there's no limit; this is the counter for tickets: 枚)
3. Full name
4. Home address
5. Home phone number (自宅電話番号) and for those that have one, your PHS or Cell Phone Number (携帯電話番号)
6. Write "HP先行" (Home Page Priority)

Acceptance Period
Postmarked by May 31 / For the Sept 2nd live: August 3rd

Enquiries about HP priority
Call the Komiyavi Alliance (仔雅連合) @ TEL.03-5355-0784

Important Points
Please carefully read through the entire procedure.
*If there's a mistake on the form or in the amount of money given, you can be repaid.
*If you use one form to apply for tickets at multiple locations, your money will be refunded, so take heed.
-Use only one form per performance. If the performance date changes, please request a change in your form.
-Despite the fact that we ask for a standard charge of 700 yen for shipping, please be aware that different post offices will have different charges for shipping.
-If by any chance (lit: 1 in 10,000 chance) there's an overselling of tickets, the tickets will be given out by raffle and if there's a mistake in your form, you will be at a disadvantage. Those that lose the raffle will be refunded 10 days before the general sale date. In that case there will be a handling charge of 700 yen.
-If there's a mistake on your form, you have to leave a notice by phone to the Komiyavi Alliance so they can take note of it, but you have to take measures to cancel the form transaction yourself because the Komiyavi Alliance isn't coordinating that (you and the post office are).
-Tickets will be recorded as delivered approximately 2 weeks prior to the performance. Only if you have not received your tickets by 5 days before the performance should you make an enquiry into the status. Even if you haven't had a reply, if it goes past the date of the performance, you cannot get a refund. (So if you're missing your tickets, you have to be dilligent in trying to contact them until the tickets show up or you get your money.)
-If you change your address after sending in your application, please contact the Komiyavi Alliance immediately.
-Please store your receipt for the bank transfer carefully until you receive your tickets. On the off chance that you don't receive your tickets, proof is needed to verify how much money was involved.
-If there's a change or cancellation after you send in your application or if you lose your tickets, the Komiyavi alliance is unable to reissue your tickets (So make sure you're sure of everything you do, contact them immediately if you change addresses and try not to lose your tickets!)
-Your reference number for the receipt of your form has nothing to do with the raffle (So please be aware that just because you sent yours earlier or you have a lower number, it doesn't mean you'll get a ticket through raffle).

Tickets for the Korean show can be purchased here:
Price: 66,000 won
Sale date: June 11